On Wednesday, March 24th, Unisa Barrie and Christina Mortensen from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) virtually visited Pittsburgh. Residents and partners were invited to learn about the start of this two-year Choice Neighborhoods Planning process.
The event focused on introducing HUD to Pittsburgh, the Northside, and the Choice Neighborhood or "target area". The Choice Neighborhood includes: Allegheny Dwellings, Fineview, Perry Hilltop, Charles Street Valley, and California Kirkbride. See map below.

A Virtual Tour was shared highlighting neighborhood assets. Take the Tour.
This two-year planning process will result in the creation of a Transformation Plan. The Transformation Plan will be used to attract funding the implement the plan. In the meantime, there is funding for Early Action Activities. Early Action Activities are special projects residents identify, such as rehabbing a building for a special purpose or turning a vacant lot into a garden.
The event also featured an introduction to the creation of a Neighborhood Task Force. The Neighborhood Task Force will guide recommendations relating to the broader community (e.g. amenities, infrastructure, resources, etc.). This Task Force will be chaired by the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP), the Allegheny Dwellings Tenant Council (ADTC), City of Pittsburgh Department of City Planning (DCP), and the Urban Development Authority (URA). It will also include neighborhood representatives from the Target Area and resource partners. See list below.
Fineview Citizens Council
Perry Hilltop Citizens Council
Charles Street Area Council
California Kirkbride Neighbors
Allegheny Cleanways
Foundation of Hope
Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority
Pittsburgh Police - Zone 1
Department of Mobility and Infrastructure
Moms Demand Action
The Neighborhood Task Force will review resident surveys, information gathering at community meetings, and other data to come up with recommendations for the Transformation Plan. Existing Neighborhood Plans will also be integrated into the Transformation Plan.
See PDF version of Full Slide Show from Day 1.